Annie Morris looking away from the camera smiling

I am so happy you found my website; I believe it was meant to be. Passionate about helping people, I assist my clients in breaking free from the chains of their inner critic to live a happy, content life.

I am a…

  • Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

  • Master Practitioner of Time Line Therapy®

  • Practitioner of Advanced Hypnotherapy

I am exactly where I am meant to be because my experiences have brought me here to be the best version of myself.

Hi, I’m Annie.

My Story.

As a young teenager I realised I was giving myself a hard time about my looks and that I wasn’t good enough.

My inner critic became something I leaned on to survive. If I wanted to achieve a high level in sport, I would use that as my driver. It wasn’t always nasty; it was used as a motivator also. I used it as a helping tool, but it wasn’t always very kind in its approach. It was a tool used to get things done because I felt I was all over the shop.

When I had my 2nd child I ended up with postnatal depression which made me start questioning everything; I looked into myself a bit more and realised all these patterns were playing out. Interesting behaviours I had developed as a survival mechanism to get through life — which I thought was normal. It had actually become MY normal.

Annie smiling proudly at the camera, holding up her practitioner certificates.

I was a real people pleaser and needed everyone to like me. I really didn’t like confrontation as I felt judged and then would go home worrying about what people thought of me. I believe I suffered from anxiety and I didn’t know what it was.

When frustration levels reached a high with all this, I went and got some help. I saw a mental health counsellor who was awesome and helped me learn some cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). It opened up a can of worms for me and then I started self-assessing.

My turning point was when I realised what I was thinking wasn’t necessarily what other people were thinking.

Over the last 15 years, I dived into self-help and am still working on myself today. I have been fortunate to have been surrounded by beautiful mentors along the way. Through Sheep Owners Academy, I was lucky to meet Soul Pleaser founder and life coach, Tracy Secombe.

This is also where I met life coach Andrew Roberts, life coach Steph Bartlett and Adam Cootes, a body-mind therapist.

I’ve been blessed with some awesome friends along the way who understand me and have allowed me to vent.

I’ve been working on myself significantly for the last four years, and during that time have experienced a huge transformation. At my lowest point, I didn’t want to get out of bed. I had no self-worth; I thought I wasn’t enough for anybody. My body would go into — what I call — 'default mode’ as that’s where it thinks it is comfortable and safe. My bed is like a cocoon where I can hide, be warm and feel protected. It’s a pattern that has played out a lot for me over the years, and I don’t like that feeling anymore.

Nowadays, I am able to catch myself doing it and apply my tools. Now I have the right mental tools to get myself out of the hole, and the last few years have proven that I can do it!

The advice received from all of my mentors inspired me to go down this path. I find when I am helping other people; I am not so absorbed in my mind. The more I help others, it’s really rewarding to see other people getting better.

A beautiful quote I once read was, ‘Make your mess your message’, and this is why I would like to help those who are walking in my shoes. 

People who get triggered, suffer anxiety, and live in their heads and not in the NOW. Those who fall into a hole at times have a tough inner critic. 

It has become my mission to help those who feel like they are not enough. Because you are. And I can’t wait to hear your story.

Come and join my Facebook Group ‘Rise & Shine’ for rich conversations in a safe place with like-minded people. It is a community where we are real and authentic and celebrate our worth. Make sure to reach out and say.

Kind Words


I’ve been having sessions with Annie for about a month now and have gained so much in such a short period of time. Every week I look forward to my session, not only as an outlet but know it’s one step forward each time to releasing, growing, improving myself to better my future and way of life. It can be tricky and overwhelming to make the step to want to help yourself and invest the time to dig deeper into what’s really going on and why but it is the best investment you’ll ever do for yourself.

Every session I have been made to feel safe and comfortable to open up truthfully without any fear of being judged or dismissed. The techniques and advice she has given me has changed my mindset and patterns already so much. I can’t recommend her enough, she is amazing and I will be forever grateful to have her as a guidance throughout this journey.

— Georgia

Try a session and see if it’s right for you.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.